Why Does the Presence of Rain Imply Bad Weather?

Rain rain go away, come again some other day. But why? Why do people despise the rain? Sure, it’s usually colder when it’s wet out and it might be harder to do some outdoor activities, but the complete disdain and gloominess that some individuals experience when there’s a light drizzle outside is beyond my comprehension. What’s wrong with going for a run in the rain? You’re hopefully going to get a little warm by exercising so the cold shouldn’t bother you, and you’re going to take a shower once you are done (please for the love of god, take a shower) and change your clothes so you probably don’t care about your clothes getting soaked (unless you like going for runs in suede). Also, the implication of rain is generally fantastic; necessary water for plants, replenished reservoirs, growing crops. Yet we still reject such a natural and refreshing phenomenon as being bad. Why can’t we enjoy rain? Why not enjoy the calming sounds of the rainfall? Why not revel in its aftereffects such as rainbows and petrichor? Why not enjoy the change in scenery? Why must we hate on rain?

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