In the context of COVID-19 spreading across the world, people started to wear the face masks as a measure to prevent themselves from others the likely contact of the virus. Experts in the medical field suggested that folks who have symptoms of the virus must wear the masks to prevent the spread of it but if one does not have them, then there is no need to wear the masks. Independent of how the spread happens, I believe it is not a bad idea to wear the face masks if one has the viral symptoms or not so that they may not spread the virus and may not get contacted by it from others (at least where the facial area is masked, particularly the nostrils and the mouth). Because not everyone is tested, it is difficult to know if one has the symptoms relative to the virus or not. So as an abundance of caution, it is not at all a bad idea to wear one in any case. Of course, the masks must be available and if they are in short supply like in some places, their availability must be prioritized for those in need most, like the medical personnel and those who for sure have the viral symptoms.

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